After taking a train from Michigan to Chicago, we jumped in our rental car and headed out to one of Vanessa's brothers house; Phillip. Vanessa is the only girl with 5 brothers. I had previously met two of them briefly, but this trip was going to give me a good chance to meet Vanessa's family, friends and maybe give me a new view into her life. Who are friends and family are in many ways make up who we are, as well as our relationship with them.
We left the next day to the other end of Chicago to go and see her niece's and nephew....Samantha, and Tucker below.

Along with the newest one, Charlotte, who her aunt loves so much...and they love their aunt Vanessa as well.

We spent a few nights with Phillip and Nicky, who have been together now for 13 years. This is Vanessa's younger brother. They are such a perfect fit and great people. We would cook together each day after eating a full jar of Phillips home made canned pickles. Then we would follow up dinner with some games, which always turned extremely intense. (I thought I was competitive)

Cruising in our rental car along Lake Michigan, visiting Vanessa's old stomping grounds.

We went to a Jones' classic restaurant called Barnaby's with her brothers Nathan, Alex and her Mom. It was great getting to know her brothers who are all great, caring people...and very creative.

I got to see a couple of my friends, including the ever happy Joe and Courtney P. We caught up on life, listened to some music and had some laughs.

We spent a day at the soccer field, watching Samantha compete in the 4 and under league.
It was a big event not to be missed. Grandpa came along for the fun along with the always supportive parents.

The teams name is superfriends. Don't they just look ferocious?

As you can see, a beautiful day to be outside. Notice how the corner flag was twice as tall as everyone on the field.

After the game they got fall medals and water jugs. Since the season is not over, you may be wondering why they are getting medals. The real question is why not? To celebrate soccer. To celebrate how cute they are. To celebrate life. Or just to give them something to show off.

We all gathered after the game and played some charades sort of game. It was Mom and the Jones brothers against me and the girls.

After a close battle, we came up victorious. Of course, it was all due to the girls being able to read each others mind. Those are Vanessa's sister-in-laws, Nicki and Jay.

After a great week, I came away feeling I got to know her family much better, and because of it, got to know Vanessa a bit better. I know when I introduce her to my friends and family I want them to represent me well since they are a bit of an extension of myself. I can say that I really enjoyed getting to spend time with her family and having some good talks with them.
Nice blog!
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