The Albuquerque balloon fiesta is the largest hot air balloon gathering in the world and the world's most photographed festival. We went to the Saturday night fireworks/concert and the final morning balloon fly. Words can't explain how incredible it was. Luckily pictures do a decent job, but I would still say that it is worth a trip for everyone.
Also, the Albuquerque sky and sunsets are truly remarkable as you can see below.
We went to the night fireworks, concert with Aimslee, Aunt Sally, and Andy.

We met up with Bobbo, Carol and Keara.

All I could think about was disco Stu from the simpsons.

The following morning, Vanessa, Bobbo, Chris and myself headed out at 4:45am to see the start of the last day of balloons. Watching them get it ready, light of the balloons and set them off.

I don't know how this picture came out the way it did...but it is awesome!!!!!! Not only does Bobbo look transparent, but notice the double image of him.

Then the first round of balloons were set free.

We were loving it!

It was so cool being right down amongst all of the balloons, watching the crews set them up, blow them up with hot air, and seeing them take off....all of this only a few feet in front of us.

Another incredible part of our trip.

Bobbo and Vanessa were helping to get the balloon going, in case the air didn't do it alone.

This is a festival visited by thousands of people from all over the world. About 600 people register their balloons for this event.

Hot air ballooning was the first way of aviation.

They cost from 30K to hundreds of thousands of dollars to make.

There were literally hundreds going up around each other.

This lady couldn't believe what she was seeing.

My crew.

There were some balloon that had unusual shapes and were quite creative.

Just to remind us where we left a few weeks ago.

That's right. It's Darth Vadar. Owned by a german. Surprising?

The amount of propane used was incredible. The whole idea of it blows my mind.

That is spider pig. Any simpsons fans?

The amount that were in the sky at one time was breathtaking.

This was one of my favorites.

This guy was in charge of keeping it tight.

A perfect picture to take as we travel.

The bumblebee couple.

The human couple.

People from all over taking in the festival. Some got creative with their hats of costumes.

Some people have come for over 25 years in a row.

Our team.

As we were leaving this was the overall view. Really, one of the most incredible festivals or events I've been to. I hope to come again one year.

We then headed over to Sally and Abe's house to have some of Abe's specialty "one eyed eggs" before diving into some games with Aimslee and her friends.

That is my awesome cousin Aimslee in the middle with her friends.

Sal, myself and Aimslee...good times.

Vanessa won...just wanted to make her mark.

We then went for an afternoon hike.

local centipedes.

The girls.

Yum...moon...tastes like cheese.

What a great experience we had and continue to have. So lucky to have wonderful people along the way who welcome us in with open arms and share these great memories with us.
Sorry just catching up with your adventures! This trip looked amazing and you look so happy!!!! :)
WOW! I love the picture with the world balloon! So perfect for this experience.
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