Just wanted to post a quick blog while it is fresh in my mind.
I took my scooter for a weekend trip out of the city to a hill station in Coorg (coffee plantations, hills, beautiful scenery) Since I am working on a south Indian golf tour, I went to check out the Coorg golf course. It is called a natural golf course. Built by the British (and hasn't changed much since) It is in the middle of nowhere, beautiful, simple, with holes interlaping each other. There is not much of a clubhouse (you can get tea, what a suprise!). They don't even have the maps for the holes (they claim to be making them, but not to worry because the caddies will tell you where it is, and each hole says the yardage luckily). It is really a unique experience and you can't go wrong golfing for about $10 which includes your caddy.

They are really working on improving roads throughout India. Today, I watched as cement was laid and the work of making this road was done. If any of you recall or reread my day working as an extra for a bollywood movie, you will see how the many directors had many different ideas which basically led to a free for all and a lot of yelling. Road construction works in the same way. There is a main guy, who I watched yell at 3 other guys (all dressed up). These 3 guys-together or seperately yell at a group of about 5 younger guys (also dressed up) (dressed up=no physical labor or getting dirty). These 5 guys yell to about 6 guys what to do, often with contradicting orders. These 6 guys already heard the 1st guy tell the 3 and heard the 3 tell the 5, but due to orderly rules, they had to wait to be directly told by the 5 guys, which by this time, the story may have changed a bit. Since these 6 guys have done this many times, they basically move a little to make everyone happy, but do what they have always done in the past. It was really enjoyable to watch and made me really want to yell to someone to do something, but nobody listens to me and if they heard me, they would have just asked me which country I was from and ignored my yelling. (See picture above again and you can picture the whole story, notice how only 2 guys are working and there are about 20 people standing around; some of the yellers bring their friends to watch them yell, maybe for encouragment)

On the other side of the coin, I came across this cow while driving in the hills. He couldn't have cared less about the birds eating their breakfast (had to have been lunch since birds rise early to get the worm) right off of him.
Some people love hearing themselves give orders.
Some people love not listening to orders.
In India, everyone wins!
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