After my weekend trip to Coorg, I stopped for the day at one of the largest Tibetan settlements in India where I visited the Golden and Sera Temple, it was a great side trip and a beautiful area.

There were a couple of monks graduating which is the reason for the ceremony.

I am based in Mysore for about a month and half, this is my home for the time being, along with my scooter in the back ground.

This is Vicky and Sumathy, two of my good friends who work at the clinic with me, except Sumathy just moved to New Zealand.

A weekend outing with Vicky, we saw this guy making a roof from these branches. Vicky wanted to lend a helping hand.

Lazy cows and buffalo hanging out in a beautiful setting.

This is Jag, the youngest doctor in the history of India. Actually this is his grandson. Jag is the one who is being treated. This is who I have been learning from and shadowing for the last 3 weeks. Seeing endless patients come in, he has treated body pains (muscles, joints, tendons) to stomach problems, heart problems, those who suffer from cancer and diabetes. He has acted as a Gynecologist, a Pediatrician, a depression counselor and all sorts of random ailments. He has 19 clinics around the world, is not shy to tell the patients exactly what they need to change and although he helps them, in the end it is they who need to help themselves. It is a mix of so many different types of healing and medicine, but a big focus comes down to is preventative. You are what you eat! I am loving learning this stuff and it would take years and years to know what he knows, but I feel so lucky to have this chance and am learning things that will stick with me forever.

This is his grandson, now my good friend, Anjin. So much energy he has!
A great sign that I read daily at the clinic say:
May God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Hello Steve,
I enjoyed your blog posting regarding Jag Therapy.
I have an opportunity to study with Dr Jag, possibly for 10 weeks. How did you secure acommodation during your time at Jag Therapy?
Best wishes,
I am glad to find amazing information from the blog. Thanks for sharing the information.
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