Have you ever looked at a tire from a car and thought shoes? me neither, until now.
Ok, so I arrived to the sunny Cape Town and got myself a room in a backpackers on long street, the main street in town (about $13). I headed off wandering around the city and found myself down by the harbor in the middle of restaurants, shops, boats and seals swimming all over the place. On all the little docks there were seals laying there basking in the sun. I ventured down to one dock that was away from people and had about 10 seals laying on it looking lazy as ever (reminded me of Adam-Borat and Mark-brother hanging out together) I went down to take pictures with them and as I got close one made a big bark and I ran like a little girl. (Ok, I know I have a lot of friends that are little girls and maybe you take offense to that. Actually thinking about all of you I picture you running as well so I'm sticking with it) I ran like a little girl!! It's not that they would bite me I don't think, but they are big and I wasn't expecting it. Well, then after walking around for a while more and getting some food I was still knackered from the long flight and so went to bed and slept for 14 hours. I decided the following day would be a beach day but instead of paying for a cab I walked for about 2.5 hours over the little mountain to the beach. Absolutely beautiful beaches with the mountains in the background I laid there and would go for a swim in the freezing cold water every half hour or so and the rest of the time enjoy the sun and the scenery (mountains, water and girls in the vacinity). I managed another day at the beach since I've been here but took a van taxi where they pack about 15 people into a van and it is quite cheap and quite an experience in itself. Another night I went dancing for a night with some other people I met in the backpacker, more Germans, I swear they are everywhere on this trip; luckily they have all been nice and lots of fun.
On another night I met Miyere, a Masai Warrior from Kenya. We have since spent a lot of time together and I have been fascinated, educated and made a good friend along the way. Last night I went to a barbeque (here they say a brii) in a farm up in the hills that overlooks the city. At the farm there are horses, cattle, donkey, chicken, pigs, dogs, cats and more animals that I didn't see. They aren't caged in or fenced in, they just walk around and all live in harmony together. The barbeque was to raise money for homeless children in the city. Today I learned how to make sandals out of tires. I tried some on and they are extremely comfortable so when I get home I will make myself a pair and if anyone else would like to learn, well then come to africa and have someone teach you. I will tell you much more about Miyere but he will have to have a blog of his own.
Life and things happen in mysterious ways.
I read the other day a quote.
Action without vision is just passing time
vision without action is just daydreaming but
vision with action can change the world.
1 comment:
Glad to see all is well. Just thinking of you the other day. Your blog was blocked here for a while, but I just caught up. Keep having fun.
Be good, OK... good enough.
Jeff Nardone
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