North to Kiel I went to see my "german cousin" Jan. Arriving in Kiel I was met by the man himself along with his brother Kai. We headed out around the streets in our all access vehicle.
Jan works for Mybach, it is a restaurant/catering service that bases out of their upscale restaurant in the largest mercedes dealership in the north of germany. For the first couple of days I was in town there was a large festival. The 3rd of october is a celebration of the reuniting of east and west germany. There are 16 counties in germany and each has it's capital and every year this big celebration happens in a different capital. This year was Kiels turn. For these couple of days while Jan worked, Kai and I roamed around listening to different bands, checked out all the different booths and local entertainment and stopping frequently at one of the tents that is run by Jan's company stopping to get some free food or drinks.
For a couple of the other days during the week I would stop by the restaurant and get some (free) food including one the best steaks I've ever had; an argentinian steak. I took the bike into town one day to check out the city. Another evening Jan took me to Baltic Sea which I swam in. It wasn't strange that I was swimming naked in this sea to anyone but it was strange that I was swimming in the middle of october to them. As I swam there were people walking by with heavy sweatshirts, winter hats and baffled looks on their faces. For one week of the year an outdoor restaurant opens on the water that sells fresh clams; this is the week of the year when they are in season. This is an all you can eat clam restaurant and all I could eat I did, five huge bowls. It was absolutely delicious and being that they are afrodiciacs (sp) I figured I was going to be horny (well, more than usual) for the next couple of weeks.
The popular drink for Jan and everyone that Jan knows is called a cuba libre which is this cuban rum, Havana Club mixed with coke and fresh squeezed limes. It goes down easy and I figured I should have my share since we can't get Cuban run in the US and also since they were also free.
The final couple of days the mercedes dealership hosted a fashion show which is one of the biggest events of the year. Maybach was in charge of food, drinks, music and some decor. So I was in there helping set up shop for the event hanging out with the owner and the other manager (those two along with Jan call themselves the A-Team). The day before the models arrived so we got to watch their warmups as well. Models are OVERRATED!! at least these ones were. It was amazing that just because of that title many thought they were amazing but if most of you saw one on the street I don't think you'd look twice, maybe twice but that's it.
Anywho, since I wasn't really working and no one knew who I was when the party came I got to wear a pink workshirt (it was quite stylish, especially compared to my regular t-shirt look) which allowed me access to anywhere; even back stage. As I walked around and talked to people with a cuba libre in my hand while everyone else in pink shirts was serving drinks or taking dirty glasses and plates away I had lots of people stop me to what I'm assuming was order a drink or ask me something that they thought someone working should know, I would just smile and say I don't understand German and be on my way (I'm sure I made a good impression for the company). Fashion shows aren't very exciting either, I found myself back near the kitchen talking to friends I had made that work there like Olie and Kristina who were much more entertaining than the party.
Jan- I felt like a king visiting you, free drinks, free food, I got to play DJ and the best air mattress I've ever slept on. You have a very nice girlfriend and some great friends, I look forward to seeing you in the US next summer and I will stop telling everyone how you scream like a girl on rollercoasters, I promise; you too Tom.
Hehehe Steve it sounds like u rock out with your... u know what out!!
Take care Steve, when travelling aroud! Nice site, so stay in touc....have fun in Vienna!
CU Gunnar
Steve..It was a pleasure to have you, even though you get up to pee(standing!) for at least 5 times a night...Still, Ole & Rico had a great time as well, Ole now has two weeks off, you really wore hin out!!! Didn´t have any "dunkle schorle" until now...You have a save trip, thanks for messing up kristina, the girl who is doing her apprenticeship right now in my office. She keeps telling me about you and that you´ll visit us again!
Ok, Steve..I am excited to hear more of your stories...
take care, your german cousin Janiboy
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