Let's rewind for a minute. Before heading to Michigan, we drove a few hours north of NYC to attend a wedding. This was a friend of Vanessa's, which means I am a plus one. I love being a plus one. There is such little pressure for anything. I can talk to anyone, not watching that I don't say the wrong thing, dance the night away, and Vanessa likes it, because I can give her all my attention without trying to catch up with a million people in a night.
While others booked a room in the wedding hotel, we opted for a bed and breakfast stay which we found on www.airbnb.com This place sat in the country on 6 acres and was a beautiful house owned by former Germans. They were so welcoming and made it feel like we were at home and extremely comfortable. Each time heading in and out of the house, we would see a handful of deer run past, along with a large group of pheasants. With a local taxi service we were also able to let go and have a few drinks, since neither of us had to drive.
After going back to New York and packing and saying goodbye to Uncle Lou, we were off to Michigan bright and early in the morning. We were picked up at the airport and headed directly to the Lions game with Mom, Dad, and Chris.
They ended up winning, 48-3. That's right, The DETROIT LIONS! The Lions fan is quite a crew. They are tough, loud, and not shy to yell whatever the alcohol had lead them to think at each and every moment. Sitting between my sister, Chris and Vanessa, I have never felt as smart about a sport I didn't play in all of my life. Firing answers back and forth about the ins and outs of football and the rules. (Yes, there are different players for offense and defense...and even a separate one for special teams...this lead to explaining what special teams was). At one point after our quarter back scrambled and threw the ball away before getting hit, I was asked "why did he throw it out of bounds away from everyone?" After carefully saying "he didn't want to get hit or they would have to start farther back than the last time, so he threw it away from everyone so that the other team didn't have a chance to catch it", the big football fan in front of us turned around, looked at me like I was an idiot and said "the quarterback didn't want to get sacked, but he can throw the ball away when he is out of the pocket!" Chris thanked him and then turned to me and said "what is a sack and what's the pocket?"
After the game, we headed to hang out with Dan-o, Mags, Adam, and Carrie for a street festival, dinner and just to catch up....it was great!!!
Months ago, Pete had sent an email with this picture of a boy in India. India is a hotspot for blackmarket clothes...and misspelling words. Someone there got ahold of the Detroit Pistons name and while not paying close attention to spelling this is what came of it along with off colors and since winnie the pooh was easier to download than the pistons mascot, this is the finished product. After Adam got ahold of it, he had this shirt made for us.

The next day we went to walk farms and see some beautiful country land with my parents. The colorful clothing was due to it being hunting season.
We were then off to visit the Hess's (Footer and Giggles). It was a great visit catching up with laughs and to get back to one of the great lakes (Huron). While Vanessa remembers great lakes as "HOMES"...as do many others, I decided to remember it is MOESHA, with the a standing for awesome which is what you yell when you finish saying the lakes.
Kermit just contemplating life.

So different than being in the middle of NYC

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