The US is a cool place. It's funny how much I like and know about Michigan from growing up there. I have generalizations about other states, but like myself and Michigan, people from the different states know the ins and outs and can show you things you never knew existed.
We got to go camping up in the mountains and spend half the day on a beautiful lake, with streams all around, blue skies looking over us and a great campsite that you don't even have to pay to camp at.

The day after our camping we went in search of hot springs. Instead we gave up the hunt and laid in the cold numbing water of a stream along the walk before heading back to Albuquerque.
After spending the rest of the week in town bonding with the Galanters and watching season one and two of the office, my mom, my cousin Tristan and I headed to the Grand Canyon and got a day of walking around the rim before my aunt Carol, uncle Rich, cousins Danny, Keara, and Christopher showed up.

I haven't worn shoes since January before doing this hike and wearing the new shoes I picked up. We started at about 6am and got down to the Colorado river at about 10 am, it was really starting to heat up at this point.
When we got down to the bottom we saw two ladies sitting down there who told us jokingly that they were are welcome committee. They told us we have to get the lemonade that was at one of the huts near the river. We dissapointed them because we didn't have our wallets. Upon hearing this they whipped out four bucks and insisted we get a few glasses. (it was the best lemonade I've ever had)
We got lunch at the bottom and found out that almost everyone camps at the bottom for a night or two before doing the other half of the hike.

Tristan and I grabbed lunch and then took a nap before heading back up. At this point I could feel the blisters and the bubbling up under the toenails. We did notice about 4 signs telling hikers not to attempt to go down and up in a day (there is definately a reason they put these signs up)
As we started back up I could here my body start talking to me. It said something like this:
"wait a minute, what the hell are we doing? I am done for the day, we just walked down 5,000 ft, if you think you're going to try to go back up, your making the trip alone" The first hour I could feel stiffness in my feet, knees, hips, shoulders, back and neck (from carrying the bag I had). Also, the sun was at it's peak and just scorching down on us. We took tons of stops making our way back which ended up taking about 7 hours.

We were both wiped out at this point. And yes, Tristan looks for like an old china man in this photo, than the strapping 19 year old he is.
We finally finished the hike of just over 17 miles and were very happy to have our family greet us at the top.
I could barely sleep that night even though I was soooo worn down because whichever part of my feet I had touching the ground I would have a throbbing pain.

After saying farewell to the LLoyd family who we had a great time with my mom and I were back on the road on our way to Vegas, where my mom hadn't been since the strip has been there. We met up with Adam (aka:Borat who I traveled with in eastern europe) and the 3 of us stayed at the tropicana.

The first night we walked up and down the strip, letting it all soak in.

In the evening after more time at our pool we headed to old vegas get some dinner and check out the sites there. All and all good experience in Vegas but I can only take so much of Vegas.
From there my mom and I drove up through Nevada before crossing into California, only to drive through Yosemite National Park. ( Bellisima)

We spent our day in San Fran with Steve G and his girlfriend Megan. We had some great chats, went for a walk around Haight/Ashbury, through the univesity campus, got some Thai food and watched a great movie that has no words, but music by Philip Glass and pictures from around the world. (Thanks Steve!!)
We then went to Santa Rosas to watch Beth, my sister and the Scorchers dominate in a football game.

The 3 of us then headed back to Yosemite for a few days of camping, relaxing, and small hikes.

As you can see though, clear, crisp water which we spent a fair amount of time in during our few days in the park.

We had a great time in the park!!!
I was then dropped off in San Fran to stay with Pete and see some friends for a few days.
After being in the parks and wide open areas for a few weeks, it was back to city life.

Cars are the 10th killer in the world as far as numbers that die each year.
“Some national parks have long waiting lists for camping reservations. When you have to wait a year to sleep next to a tree, something is wrong.”
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