picked up and met by my friends (Andy and Morgan)
smiling faces!!!! I put on my dumb and dumber tux
for the arrival.
My last morning in Bangkok I spent my last baht and bought some tiger balm before going to the airport where I waited about 4 hours for my flight to Hong Kong. After a short wait in Hong Kong I got on my 13 hour flight to L.A where I spent the night in the airport before my 6am flight got delayed to 10am. From there I flew to Phoenix where I had to wait a few more hours before catching my flight to the final desination; Houston.
It was so nice to be off planes and know that I was going to see some friends and just relax for some days.
The next few days consisted of hanging out with Morgan, Andy, and friends. I spent quite a bit of time relaxing by the pool and reading/listening to music, catching up on Entourage 3 and watching playoff basketball; GO PISTONS!!!!!
My first reaction coming back to the US is that is seems everyone is walking around with their cell phones connected to their ears and it also looks like they are all trying to get through the day. Obesity stands out like a nun in a whore house. It will take some time to readjust.
Morgan, Andy and I made a trip to Galveston to hang out on the beach for a day and followed it up with a concert to see Bob Schneider; I love concerts.
This is my close view of the stage at the Bob Schneider
concert; there is nothing like a live concert!!!!
After more lazy days where half of them consisted of talking on the phone to people I haven't had much contact with in the last year; after not having a cell phone for so long it feels a bit like handcuffs where anyone can find you at anytime. Of course you don't have to answer the phone, but we all know that when the caller knows you have a phone and you don't call them back then there is them getting upset with you. I made a lot of homemade meals. It's hard to eat out and pay 10 times more for a meal than I was paying in Asia and know you aren't getting something as fresh or as tasty for that matter (just my opinion, buy it's my page so everything is obviously my opinion)
I had a day out with Morgan and her friends which consisted of drinking bottomless mamosas (orange juice and champagne). It was a long day which made a not so great next morning, but well worth it and good fun the day before.
Once Andy was finished with his finals and let his mind clear, we began creating a new song (yes, we have old songs, we know were working on our fifth).
This is Dave singing (who the song-Open your eyes- is about)
and Andy working the studio controls. I was taking a break.
Finally the day came where my parents arrived. My great uncle Lou from NYC (previously mentioned in a past blog) drove down with them for our almost 2 week road trip. It was great to see them and after 15 minutes with them I was caught up on a years worth of news and it was as if no time had passed; still great to see them.
We all decided to head out for the night to the Greyhound race track where they had 50 cent hot dogs and tap beer and $1 margaritas. That along with dogs running, fat girls screaming, my dad and uncle Lou trashtalking about their bets at the dog races and the reuniting with Juan R (a friend from when I lived here) made for a great night. Congrats to Juan who is now engaged!!
This is the motley crew focused on a race hoping to win
some big bucks. My dad picked a top three the first race
and won 30 cents; we're all high rollers in my family, not just me.
Saturday, the 18th. The road trip with Mom and the Lou's begins. First stop:Corpus Christi.
During this time I have to rethink who is married, but remember it is my mom and day. But hearing the friendly bickering between my dad and uncle Lou you would question it. The good part about this is it makes everyone laugh and makes for good entertainment for the most part.
After stopping for breakfast at a place where they had no coffee and no bread in a little podunk town we made our way down to Corpus where we saw and stayed with my cousin Aaron and his daughter Kailyn (Jaclyn was out of town). During our stay we ate a lot, discussed nothing I talked about during my trip (or very little); politics and things that lately I find to be trite and very unimportant for myself. We hung out and swam at the beach. Walked around and caught up with the parents. Went to town and enjoyed the views of the harbor. Played some chess and bar shuffle board with Aaron; he won overall at chess and I at shuffle board.
Uncle Lou (that's his name, if you meet him, that's what you call him).
Aaron and Kailyn. Good times, 4 out of 6 got burned.
We our now heading out to our next destination: San Antonio.
getting freaky 28 years ago, I wouldn't be here and you wouldn't
have this blog to read; so we are all thankful for them.
Also, if it wasn't for their support for whatever ridiculous plans
I have, I don't know if I would have had the great adventures
that I have had and will continue to have; so to my parents:
As far as Uncle Lou goes: he keeps reminding me that I ate bugs during my trip, so today will be the day that I eat his famous peanut butter and sweet onion on wholewheat bread sanwich;
I'll let you know how it is in the next blog; if I remember.
Aaron and Kailyn...and Jaclyn, thanks for having us and letting us run wild through your house and neighborhood, and I always love torturing Kailyn, you know, anyone who can't defend themselves.
“Home is not where you live, but where they understand you”
I found this quote, but to be honest I haven't found anywhere where anyone understands me.
Well, here and there some do.
“Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them.”
P. J. O'Rourke
This was a team pick of a quote by the group here.
I'm out!!!
1 comment:
Welcome Home Steve! What a wonderful journey you have had! Thank you for sharing the many stories and photos. Glad you are back safe and sound.
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