My last day in OM beach and at the Indian beaches for that matter I figured I needed a massage for the buildup of stress that spending weeks on a beach can cause. Above is Chacha, he is in his 60's or 70's and can only see out of one eye. He was my choice for a massage. He had been doing it for years and others at the beach recommended him and said he had strong hands and was priced better than the rest. He told me to lie down on this big bench seat that was inside of the main room which also served as a restaurant. I was situated so that my middle section was even with the older swiss couples heads who were enjoying their lunch. I started off by telling chacha to focus on the back, neck and shoulders and not worry about the lower half of the body. "ok, ok, no problem". He started off on my back after oiling me up and when he asked if I wanted harder I told him harder is good. I could then feel every rib in my back flexing as much as they possibly could. After a few minutes he stood up, put a thin blanket on my back, grabbed the rafters in the ceiling and began walking on my back which was quite nice. When the back was concluded he began rolling up the bottom of my shorts so that the swiss couple could look at some big, white hairy legs while they ate their meal. Chacha started with the feet where in the end he would grab a couple of toes, lift my leg off the ground and shake so that I could feel everything crack from my toes up through to my hips. He then moved further up the legs and was using the palm of his hands to push on my upper leg when I thought, "wait a minute he's getting very close to...yep, that was my testicle that you just pushed on." (If anyone is going to massage my nuts it's going to be me) When that was over and I recovered from the whole thing he began going at my shoulders and neck, but while leaning over me I couldn't help to feel chacha's chachas on my lower back. 2 things crossed my mind at this point. 1st- I was picturing in the movie Garden State when the guy wakes up with balls written on his forhead. 2nd- I couldn't help to think that there were thousands of guys all around the world getting massages from beautiful girls and here I was with a one eyed old man massaging my balls with his nuts(covered of course) on my lower back.
I then had to sit up so that he could massage my neck and head. He started by taking the bottle of water I was drinking and had sitting next to me and poored the water on my head. Chacha also decided that he was a chiropractor as well and while massaging my neck, did that thing where you rock the head slowly back and forth before twisting with a quick thrust. When he did this I was happy just to come out of it alive. He told me I needed to relax so that he could do it again. I told him that I wasn't going to relax so he didn't need to bother and then, crack, he did it the other way.
In the end it turned out to be all in all a good massage and I was quite relaxed. He told me not to shower for a couple of hours and to let the oils settle in. How could I shower when he just gave me a bath in oil and chacha love.
"Be cautious about getting a massage by an old one eyed man named Chacha"
Hey Steve, been following your trip for a couple months now, amazed at the amount of pictures you've taken. Fun to watch you love life and spread your message throughout the world. Let me go with you next time!!
That was Mike Case, I wish you and your balls the best for the rest of your travels
This is realy intresting.
You are a good writer also Steve.
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