216 meters= about 640 ft. This is the hight of the highest commercial bungee jump in the world that I did after I wrote the last blog. Driving there was the scariest part but then when I had in my mind I was going to do it I quite enjoyed it because I figured I live or I die and since I'm writing this you know the outcome. The two girls joined me as well and were nicknamed the BB's (bridge buddies), which we found pretty funny. It was quite a long way to free fall until the bungee kicked in.
Later that day Erin went paragliding to test her luck with life and after 45 minutes in the air and the guide on her back not being able to land where he wanted they ended up in a cow pasture and had to jump an electrical fence. We all decided that was enough excitement for the night and headed back to the ocean side backpacker to relax for the evening next to a bonfire.
The next morning the sun was shining and we headed out for our next adventure. We stocked a cooler with food and drinks for the night and jumped in canoes leaving our car behind. We had about a 2 hour ride paddling canoes to get to our cabin in the woods that was only accessible by canoes. We thought we would get a little sun and take our time but as we took off the clouds began to appear and after a short time the rain began. We pulled over to the side of the river to wait for a while under trees hoping to stay dry and keep our stuff dry. When the rain finally slowed we headed off again and not more then 10 minutes went by before we had to hurry and look for another pull off spot. This time, wet and cold and sitting under a tree we decided to make a concoction with our drinks. After a half an hour or so with our blood warm and full of energy we decided to push on through to the cabin. When we got there we were not dissapointed one bit. It was a beautiful wooden cabin with a big clean room, an outdoor kitchen with gas stove and a huge deck with a bonfire pit in the middle. First thing was first, I headed out with the axe there to paul bunyan some of the wooden stumps (Jamie took some pictures but it came to an end when the pieces of wood flew off and hit her). After we made dinner, got a roaring fire going and made some drinks we sat in our chairs with blankets and let the night fade into oblivion.
The next morning after finishing too much alcohol the last thing we wanted to do was get back in the canoes and paddle our way back (this time against the current and wind). There were many times that I contimplated living in the woods for the rest of my life or throwing my paddle overboard so I had to choice but to wait for help. When we finally made it back we got some chinese and headed back to our hostel (same one which we planned on staying one night and instead stayed 4) and slept and took it easy the rest of the day.
The next morning after I ate 9 eggs along with 6 tomatoes, a carton of mushrooms, half an onion and a block of cheese (needless to say Erin and Jamie do not approve of my traveling eating habits) and saying goodbye to the owners, Johanne and Annelle we headed off for a full day of driving. Our first stop was in a city known for raising ostriches. Our goal: to ride them. I was too heavy to ride them and I can't tell you in words how upset this made me. The girls refused to on account that they had to do a walking tour about the ostriches life before riding them; that and they are a bit freaked out by the bird that has a bigger eye than brain. Our next stop was to visit the famous local caves. This is by far the worse tour of anything I have ever done. Granted, it was the woman's first group she has taken but really, everytime she spoke I would have preferred that she was punching me in the face and I'm quite sure the rest of the group would have enjoyed it more as well.
We (I) then drove for the next 6 hours through some of the most beautiful country and scenery I have ever seen. One part of the drive was on small roads in the mountains that I was admiring when Jamie very calmly said "well, steve" and pointed at the car coming right at us since I was in there lane. After swerving out of the way my heart was pounding as the girl went back to talking about whatever it was they were talking about before our near death collision.
We finally arrived on the west coast and found a farm that was a backpacker/kennel. (seriously, I took a picture). Then the main mission was to get the girls food; they were upset that I didn't stop to let them eat for like 10 hours. Exhausted, we were awoken at around 4 am to roosters, barking dogs and any other kind of animal you would not want to wake up to. They continued through the whole morning which is when we decided to get up and get the hell out of there. We then had to decide on what to do for the day; mountain bike or go relax on the beach. So after our day (you guessed right) hanging out at the beach we went to a small fishing village nearby to treat ourselves to a delicious dinner at a restaurant on the water. I had some of the best fish of my life, called angel fish. We then went to our new hostel to get a good night sleep periodically waking up to the neighbors barking dogs.
Our last day with the rental car we took off back towards cape town and went to see the cape of good hope which is this southern point that has hikes where you can look over cliffs at the ocean. This day while driving along the bays we stopped at one beach that had tons of penguins everywhere. ( I didn't know penguins were in warm areas, they have it much better than the ones in march of the penguins). We also saw maybe 10 whales or so and they were very active, doing flips, waving there tails and fins and blowing water everywhere; one even waved to me, I called him sam; he was my favorite. Not only that but they were so close to shore that it was very easy to see them; we nicknamed it whale heaven.
People in south africa say "is it?" as we would say "really?" or something
for example
I would say " I had a great time last night, the people were real cool"
their response: "is it?"
This really bothers me for some reason but also makes me laugh at the same time.
if you want to check out the backpackers we stayed at on the ocean for like $15 a night the website is: www.buffalobaybackpackers.com the pictures are great.
We spent last night with the masai warrior, Miyere at his barbeque. I will still write a blog about him. I am going to his village outside of kenya when I get there and he informed me that I will be the first white person many of them have ever seen.
oh yeah. I woke up the other morning to a guy standing above me in his boxers. When I jumped and yelled at him what he was doing, he told us that we were in his beds and when I finally realised where he was supposed to be I pointed him in the right direction back to his room; ahh alcohol. After a short time later I got up to go to the bathroom and when I opened the door after going there was a black cat in our room in front of me. Luckily it went out without too much of a fight but it was too late I was freaked out.
Today we did nothing but ride a train to go to a beach that was too windy to be able to lie there. None the less, not a bad day, I learned a new language.
"I don't live the way I do to escape life, I live this way so life doesn't escape me"
It is my brother Mark's 21st birthday today, so mark, happy birthday!!!
We fly to Joberg tomorrow and on wednesday morning head out on our 32 day bus trip from Joberg to Nairobi.
If you would like to see the itinerary you can go to:
3 months have already passed and it is amazing to me how much I have seen and experienced and how many great people I have met. It is very encouraging for the rest of my trip.
thank you to those who read this and write to me, I really do appreciate it.
Footer wants to know if those girls on the beach ever got wedgies and what was with the girl on -- yes -- on the bar!!!
Stay safe.
Hi, Steve
Your blog is very interesting and very entertaining. I am praying you remain safe and healthy until you return to us. love, Marge
Mike and I miss you so much. Africa sounds amazing. Every time I read your blog I realize how boring my life is.....even though I live in a "zoo".
Full update to follow....
Great photos!
I like the #49 of the South Africa group. It's really nice!
I print your blogs for Aunt Sadie, she enjoys them and she likes to know where you are.
Have fun!
Gina is going to be 3 years old on December 2nd!
She will have a birthday party!
Take care, Happy Thanksgiving!
Giselle Montagna.
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