First stop out of the country: Iceland.
Link to Iceland pics: http://tinyurl.com/oa3ea
Little sleep on the flight there but before the flight I met two very nice girls from NYC, Lauren and Erica who I would hang out with for a bit of my time in Iceland.
I had an idea that things were going to go well when the trip started off that I was offered a ride to the city by a guy on the plane I met; Thorsten. Thorsten drove me right to the hostel and on the way explained that he was a photographer. He dropped me off and we planned on meeting up later in the week. During the next week as I walked around town I saw billboards of pictures he had taken and his name all over the place. I also walked past a bookstore which had a big advertisement out front for a book he made called `Coulors of Iceland'. You can check out his website at image.is
Anyways, I stayed in the salvation army hostel right in the heart of Reykjavik (Reykjavik means Smokey Bay-that is because there are more active volcanoes in Iceland than anywhere else so because of all the natural steam coming out of the ground when they first saw the place they mistaked it for smoke.)
I spent the first day walking all around the city getting a feel for it and as dinner time came around I found a place that was a youth group kind of place that offered free internet and snacks for a couple of hours. However, since I was there when they were getting ready to close shop they asked if I would eat the rest of the food so it wouldn't go to waste; you know how I hate to argue with locals. Suffice to say I managed to not buy a meal my entire time in Iceland, which by the way is the most expensive country in Europe. This happened because there were other backpackers who were leaving and gave me their extra food.
I roomed with two Finish guys (from Finland) and they told me an expression that is common in Finland. We know we will get hungover but we decide when it will happen.
The next day I went on a full day bus tour and visited the Geothermal plant (The largest geothermal heating plant in the world due to all the natural hot water in the ground. We also visited the largest waterfall, Geysers, the largest lake in Iceland (scuba divers a warned of a fear of height in this lake because it is so clear they can see up to a mile so often people freak out because of this.
The North American plate and European continent plate meet in Iceland which causes all the volcanoe activity and many earthquakes; I got the chance to walk between the plates.
That night I met some locals who invited me to a houseparty where they busted out a guitar and we jammed and sang along for hours into the night.
Icelanders all know how to swim and are forced to learn in school and many continue to swim throughout their life. I visited one of the cities very popular pools which has all different hot tubs each at different temps; the hottest reaching 111 degrees, after a couple minutes beside my body being red I thought I was going to faint.
That night the NYC girls and I met up with Thorsten for a while before I headed to another local party that I was invited to the previous night.
Icelanders don't go out during the week, but to make up for it friday and saturday night they go to the bars and stay until around 8 in the morning and they don't get drunk, they get absolutely belligerent and are very proud of it.
The best way to learn a country is to spend time with locals so at 8 in the morning I headed back to my dorm and slept until 4 in the afternoon. When I got up half of my butt was so sore; I'm guessing I was trying to show off dance moves or something and it didn't turn out how I had planned. I can tell you it had nothing to do with the Gay pride parade which was coming through town.
I wandered around town the rest of the day until heading to Thorsten's house where he and his wife Loa had us over for dinner. Thorsten also used to be a cook so we ate like kings. Barbequed chicken, home made mashed potatoes, caramalized carrots, spinich soup; my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
I learned many other interesting tidbits about Iceland during out dinner and after their house we headed to a bar to dance for the next 5 hours until I headed to the airport at 5am to head to london and eventually arrive in Ireland.
Thank you Thorsten and Loa for your hospitality and kindness, I am looking forward to ordering your book when I return home; everyone should check out his stuff.
Lauren, Erika, good times were had, enjoy the rest of your trip, sorry if I got you in trouble with the guy that ran the house you were in.
Totti, Christjan, and all that took me out, it was a great time; you guys are crazy!!
Icelanders do believe in Gnomes, Elves, and trolls.
The last name of a person is their fathers first name with daughter or son added to it and never changes, even when they get married.
It would be pretty easy to be famous in Iceland since there are so few people, so if you have a great idea move to Iceland and then release it.
Everyone should visit there but stop at duty free first.
I figured you would think that Lauren and I were the two most amzing girls on the planet:) Hope you made it to Ireland safely and that your adventure contunes to be as great as it was in reykjavik. Lauren and I made it to london the other day. Needless to say thing really didn't end well with our guest house owner, but that is a story for another time. As soon as I get back to the states I'll send you some photos.
Great that you made it safely to Ireland... We flew back to Finland on Monday with an awful headache :D
But that day was good choice to have a hangover after 6 rough nights. Good to be back in Finland- Now we are waiting for the beginning of the university studies and the "studentlife".
Hope your ass won't hurt anymore... lol ...
We'll follow your journey here on the Internet. Here are some of my photos, mostly of the landscape: http://irc-galleria.net/archive.php?nick=Radierer&album_id=893785
And here my friend's:http://irc-galleria.net/archive.php?nick=_KariX_&album_id=895729
Icelandic girls were nice,
but so were Lauren and Erica too <3
Be careful out there, and have fun =)
Back in the states after a less wild but equally exciting week in South Africa. Steve, I love your Iceland post, brought back so many great memories of the trip.
Thanks for the great advice, (the Duty Free booze purchases were a fantastic idea), the new games (Warren G) and the good times!
I'll be following your journey..
Thanks for the shout out Toni.
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